Thursday, March 23, 2006

Unexpectedly Poetic Headline of the Week:

"Dream of Greater Serbia Ends in Tiny Jail Cell"

OK, of last week. That was the "Milošević is dead" headline in Dnevnik, FYI, though it will be behind a paywall by now.

Personally I would have preferred "Dream of Greater Serbia Found Dangling Off Lamppost On The Kalemegdan Road" or, better yet, "Dream of Greater Serbia Forced Feet-First Through Rusty Wood Chipper," but I'll take it.

Of course, if there were any justice in the world, the corpse would be publicly quartered by teams of frenziedly-mooing, diseased cows, and the sections planted on pikes and put on display in the central squares of Vukovar, Knin, Sarajevo and Priština, respectively. I haven't thought of a good thing to do with the head yet, but I'll keep you posted. I'm currently thinking something along the lines of "trebuchet-into-the-Mediterranean."