Tuesday, April 04, 2006


I should preface this by specifiying that this is not a political blog. I care little for public affairs, or at least I have largely ceased to. But, every now and then, one is confronted with stupidity of such transcendent incandescence that a light fisking is really the only supportable reaction. Exhibit A:

It is important in this regard not to lose sight of the wider benefits to be had from toppling the Ba'ath regime in Syria and destroying the nuclear programs/capabilities of Iran and Pakistan*.

*Nominally an allied state. Nemo unquam sapiens proditori credendum putavit.

The economic backwardness of the Middle East and the impunity with which we can determine which governments will be allowed to remain [in] power

"Impunity." See also 1, 2.

demonstrates not just the superiority of our culture but that the current ummah has misunderstood what Allah wants of them--there lies the basis for Reformation.

Yeees. Quite similar to how--as I am sure we all remember from history class--the Protestant reformation was an intevitable reaction to the Muslim conquest and occupation of Europe. To say nothing of the fact that the Reformation delivered an increase in religious zealotry, not the opposite. Islam has already been reformed, you douchebags; the Wahhabis are the Calvinists. What it needs now is to be Enlightened.

I could also draw your attention to the fact that the author seems not to understand the difference between the concepts of "culture" and "munitions"--but that would probably be redundant. The inability to tell the two apart has been the distinguishing trait of that side of the aisle since time immemorial, and explicitly so since this.

So, to repeat myself, retards. Though I guess that's not really their fault. So, also, douchebags. Which is.