Tuesday, April 25, 2006



Yes, smile! as you gaze upon Picasso's immortal scene of horror and despair, set amid one of the greatest Fascist atrocities of the Spanish Civil War. C'mon, everybody, smile! Don't be a Grumpy Gus! Later on we can all sing The Heffalump Song as we tour Treblinka.

I swear, every new day brings to light a new reason why anyone who ever held any kind of position in marketing should be immediately and involuntarily sterilized.

Click here for an even larger version.

Disclaimer: Image harvested by me from a late '05 issue of the Smithsonian. All rights reserved, to whoever wants them. Also, this post should in no way be construed to \ suggest that visiting Spain is not a worthy objective, far from it; lots to see in Spain, and I gather the people are reputedly nice--and besides, it is hardly their fault that the ad agency they hired turned out to be run by mental-asylum escapees.