Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Surreal Sentence of the Week II

A post on naughty advertising at Carniola lead me quite coincidentally to Wikipedia's article on Urotsukidoji, where I stumbled across this gem:

There is a theory among some anime fans, possibly first espoused by The Erotic Anime Guide, that the series is an elaborate cautionary tale about teenage pregnancy.

You. Don't. Say.

Twelve installments of unspeakable violence, around-the-clock demon hanky-panky (much of it nonconsensual), the birth and death of inuhuman gods, entire dimensions rent in twain, human heads on poles, unholy Nazi experiments, and enough experimental fornication to make the ouvres of Nin and DeSade seem downright monastic--and this is what it all boils down to? A cautionary tale about teenage pregnancy?


Now that's what I call a PSA.

Actually, the granddaddy of the Tentacle-Rape genre might well shock those of gentler disposition clear into a life of permanent celibacy. All it succeeded in doing for me, when I saw the first OVA, my only chunk of Urotsukidoji thus far (during lunch in a science classroom in my junior year of high school. I rather suspect the guy who ran the Anime club told the bio teacher he was screening something else) was a certain detached admiration for the rather involved and complex plot, an unexpected quality in what was essentially an ultraviolent porno, and something of a contrast to the dogmatically structuralist school ("Hello, I'm the poolboy") of domestic smut on late-night Showtime.

But anyway, all this puts me in mind of yet another of my favorite-sentences-ever--unfortunately not online--from the print edition of the Anime Encyclopedia: the entry for a completely unrelated series begins with

"Such-and-such is set in Japan's second city, Osaka, which we last saw covered in a sea of tentacles in spooge in Urotsukidoji."

Hmm. This is certainly a very perverted day here at Fretful Realm. I promise I'll write something about nuns and puppies next week.