Tuesday, May 09, 2006

May I See Your Visa, Please?

I'm sorry, but I won't link to Michelle Malkin. I have some standards. However, this bears wider exposure:

I understand the Rangers wanted to do something innocuous to recognize a holiday celebrating historical and cultural pride. But the politically correct selectivity here is telling. While it's considered a celebration of "diversity" to acknowledge the military sacrifices of another nation's heroes, it's considered racist to acknowledge the military sacrifices of one's own.

Case in point: Can you imagine if someone proposed changing the Rangers' jerseys to "Confederate Rangers" to celebrate Confederate Heroes' Day?

Would you be so kind as to draw your attention to one particular sentence out of the preceding sewage leak?

...it's considered racist to acknowledge the military sacrifices of one's own.

One's own. Apparently Ms. Malkin considers the Confederate Rangers to be her nation's heroes. Now, I may have dual citizenship, but I have also pledged my fealty to the United States of America. Ms. Malkin's loyalties apparently lie elsewhere.

This sort of little Freudian slip echoes nothing so much as Julian Bond's remark of a few years ago that the administration's high officials posessed a "devotion to the Confederacy is nearly canine in its uncritical affection." For media hacks, we're apparently talking remora- or lamprey-like.

Oh, and I'm sure I'll be labeled a racist for pointing out the double standard.

Well, I was going to start with "traitor" and work my way up from there. But I would likely have gotten to "racist," sooner or later.