Monday, May 15, 2006

They Must Have Had Really Good Contractors

From Pharyngula:

He neatly dismisses the [young earth creationist] idea that the speed of light has been changing by pointing out that E=mc2; so "a small change in the speed of light can have a disproportionately large effect on the amount of energy produced from radioactive decay," and that compressing 13.7 billion years into 6000 would mean so much energy would be released that the earth would be vaporized.

Hehm. Snort. Hee hee hee. This reminds me of a sub-chapter in Pennock's "Tower of Babel," in which the author introduces an elaborate biblical timeline, then crunches the numbers for the total population of the entire Earth around the time of the building of the Great Pyramid of Cheops, only to arrive at ~ 150, plus or minus the odd dozen.
